With the increasing technological advancements and consumer demands in day-to-day life, everything is becoming intelligent. As a result, things around us have dramatically transformed from wristwatches to mobile devices, cars, and homes. The next frontier evolution is smart buildings, rapidly transitioning the lifestyle of humans on personal and professional fronts. […]
IKEA and Sonos collaborated 3 many years back to make a desk lamp with an embedded speaker. Embedding a Wi-Fi speaker inside of a lamp isn’t as nutty a proposition as it may sound—we had been really pleased with the consequence. Now, the two providers have collaborated to build the […]
It’s no secret that, at least in ecommerce, companies constantly monitor each other for any potential way to generate additional revenue. Data applications like dynamic pricing are a popular form of competition, but they don’t exhaust the possibilities. Expanding the way data extraction algorithms work for dynamic pricing can provide […]